Wednesday, September 19, 2007


"...then take your fate upon yourself and bear it, its burden and its greatness, without ever asking for that reward which might come from without."

-Letters to a Young Poet

"Fate loves to invent patterns and designs. Its difficulty lies in complexity. But life itself is difficult because of its simplicity. It has only a few things of grandeur not fit for us."

-Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge

"Never think destiny's more than the substrate of childhood: how often you'd catch up with a lover, panting, panting, from the happy chase, into the open forever."

-The Duino Elegies: The Seventh Elegy

"..why, then, do we have to be human and, avoiding fate, long for fate?"

-The Duino Elegies: The Ninth Elegy

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